Download eBooks & Digital Audiobooks

Browse and check out popular titles from your library.


You can browse the shelves that your library set up by category or you can use the filter button to filter by genre.


Easily transfer e-books to your tablet or e-reader wirelessly.


You can use the Cloud Library PC Software to transfer
e-books to your Nook Simple Touch, Kobo eReader,
or Sony eReader.


Take notes and create bookmarks.


If you’d like to take notes while reading or bookmark your spot, simple click the small box at the top right hand side of the screen to open a spot to jot down your notes and create your own bookmark.


Read on multiple devices.


The CloudLibrary automatically syncs to all your devices that have the CloudLibrary App downloaded to them. You can start reading on your iPad and continue later while waiting some where and reading from your phone, right where you’ve left off.

Download the free Digital Library App to your smart phone, tablet, or computer using App Store / Google Play or by visiting our website.

During first-time set up, make sure to choose NJ as your State, MAIN as your library and use your library card number and PIN (usually the last 4 digits of your phone number) to register.

Now you are ready to browse, check out and read e-books from your local library. If you use the PC App, you can load the e-book through a USB connection.

For more information, please visit us, or click here for more information on downloading the app.

E-Books and E-Audio can be checked out for 14 days and there are never late fees.

Compatible devices


iOS App
iPod touch®
Android App ****
Android™ Phones
Android™ Tablets
Android™ Devices
Kindle Fire App*
Kindle Fire ***
Kindle Fire HD
Kindle Fire HDX
Nook App **
NOOK® Tablets
PC/Mac App **
Windows™ / Mac OS X
NOOK® eReader (and some older NOOK tablets)
Kobo™ eReader

* The CloudLibrary is not currently supported by Amazon. If you would like compatibility with your Kindle device not indicated above, please contact

** Not supported in all versions. In addition to being able to read the books on your PC, application has the ability to transfer content to a personal e-reader using either an existing Adobe ID or using the cloudLibrary ID.

*** 1st generation Kindle Fires are not supported since it is only running Android 2.3 (Kindle OS 6.3.4). 

**** Android 4.4 or later is needed to run the CloudLibrary App